7 great tips for fun and stress-free photoshoot with children, Glasgow Family Photographer

full of fun photoshoot with children
One of the main worries for any parent before their family photoshoot with children is that the kids will misbehave and won’t cooperate during the session.
As a mother of 9 and 6 and 5 years old I know how quickly children’s mood changes. Any period of child development can be difficult.
Profesional photo session is a surely big event for the whole family. It is not surprising that parents are worried that it will not bring the expected effects.
Fortunately, from my experience I’ve learned how to create and capture beautiful moments and freeze them on pictures. To create a full of fun adventure for you!!! Also, I worked out my ways to encourage even the most stubborn little model to take part in the play
Today I would like to share them with you and calm your fears

1. Pre-session consultation before photOshoot with children
Firstly, before we meet for our family session I will ask you to fill a questionnaire. Here you will provide me all the details about your child/children. Their likes and dislikes, interests, your preferable way of spending time together. Than, according to this information I will prepare a scenario to the session. Activities matching to the temper of your kids.
The open air is a joyful atmosphere and creates spontaneous shots. It allows you to behave more naturally. While, my job is to capture the feelings that you have for each other and that you are unable to capture on your own.
Natural light is one of the most important advantages of outdoor sessions. Giving a great effect at any time of the day. Especially at sunrise and sunset, throughout the year.
2.Your photoshoot plan
A plan for a photo session is a significant key. However, kids are unpredictable. The session scenario depends on small models. They want to run – you run! If they want to hug, you hug. Are they willing to fool around and jump – you say you have. We follow kids. That’s the way how the best picture are created, not forced and full of emotions.
One of the most important thing during sessions with children is a real fun and the time you dedicate to each other. You are not sitting, posing, and smiling at the camera (unless I ask for it)
3. Choose the right time of day
Small children react strongly to hunger and fatigue. Make sure you choose the right time of day for your photos. It’s best to meet in the morning or immediately after a nap when they are getting some sleep. With children it is difficult to find the so-called “Golden hour” just before sunset. In fact every time of the day except noon is good for taking pictures. Bring clothes for a change if they get dirty and small snacks to keep energy at the right level throughout the session.
4. Be prepared
Do not prepare children excessively for the session. Please don’t say they need to smile at the camera and doing everything they are told to do, as they do the exact opposite! For all the preparation, it is enough to say that you will meet Kinga. She will have a camera and take pictures of your family during your walk.
There is nothing worse than a child who, at the sight of the camera, interrupts what she/he is doing and bares his/her teeth in an artificial smile. Believe me, you can see it in the pictures, and you don’t want to receive such pictures! During my sessions you will rarely hear from me “Smile to the camera”, I want to freeze your gesture and real emotions.
5. Keep kids in the centre of your attention

Above all, the whole secret of the photoshoot with children to be successful is to keep kids in the centre of attention.
At the very beginning of the shoot, I concentrate only on your child / children. Trying to get to know them, their interests. The easiest way to reach children is to listen to them, so that’s what I do!
Very often I put my dignity in my pocket during the session with young children. Making funny faces and making strange sounds perfectly attracts the attention of the youngest. On the other hand, jokes not very high-flying are great with older children.
6. Get Active during Photoshoot with children
To relax and forget about the camera during a family photoshoot with children is to provide them with the right entertainment. Writing with chalk on the sidewalk, blowing soap bubbles, playing football, blanket swing. Something that your family likes to do and which you will gladly come back to with memories in a few or several years. You do not have to worry about posing, but only to have fun. It’s my job to take wonderful photos of you! The list of such activities is long, and I think that this is a topic for a separate post

7. Surprise kids with small treats
Children are very emotional and as you know that in a minute there can be tears, anger and pure joy.
Moreover, this situation happens and there is high chance it happens on you session too. Dear parents don’t get stress. This is normal so please do not worry I personally went through everything. I have seen this all 🙂
Therefore, I always keep my magic bag with me, full of small surprises which is perfect in the situation of tantrum.
Let’s try to avoid sweets. Sometimes we can put aside our educational principles and a photo session is such an opportunity. Sweets – such as Haribo jelly beans, small cookies, and bread sticks – work best as bribery. Rather, avoid chocolate, because the face and clothes are very dirty, and lollipops – they are eaten for a long time, and the stick in the mouth does not look good in the pictures
The session lasts about an hour and a half. During this time it is worth turning a blind eye to the rules that usually apply to you. Enjoy the family time together, get crazy a little bit.